
Book cover for Leo: An Enemies To Lovers Romance by Gemma James


Series: The Zodiac Queen (#5)
Genre: Contemporary
Trope: Arranged Marriage
Pages: 83



Sebastian Stone is a collision of passion and thorns.
He shares a side of himself that few people witness.
Hot-headed one minute, and sweet and tender the next—we mix like fire and air, igniting a chemical explosion that consumes us both. 
But our foundation shakes under distrust and insecurities, because tragedies have visited us in the past, making for wary hearts. Yet the lion holds mine in his possessive grasp, refusing to give an inch.
Sebastian demands all of me, even though Liam Castle says he doesn’t deserve it.

As the consequences of past mistakes intrude into the House of Leo, part of me fears the chancellor is right

The Zodiac Queen collage of two enemies to lovers playing chess and falling in love

Check out the teasers, playlist, and reading order.